Monday, March 22, 2021

7.4 U.S. History: Ceser Chavez (Due 3/26)


Cesar Chavez

With it being Cesar Chavez Day coming up, March 31st, now would be a good time to look at the accomplishments that Cesar Chavez was able to achieve and the struggles that many Americans had to deal with post World War II. The fight on the war front was over, and now many soldiers were coming home to hardships that they themselves had to overcome. Looking at one man, Cesar Chavez was able to bring about change in California and working unions. He was able to fight for equal rights for many immigrants who were coming to the United States. Seeing his accomplishments can help students understand the world they live in and how others' struggles can be impactful for future generations. 

Directions: Students need to watch both videos to answer the questions below.

Cesar Chavez: American Civil Rights Activist - Fast Facts | History

Cesar Chavez interview (1992)

Cesar Chavez: From the Fields to Victory

  1. Who is Cesar Chavez?

  2. What union did he help create?

  3. How was Cesar Chavez able to organize the labor union that he created?

  4. How was Fred Ross inspirational to Cesar Chavez? 

  5. His first boycott was to boycott which food crop? 

  6. What are some of the issues Cesar Chavez fights for during his life? 

  7. How was Mexican immigration impactful on the agricultural economy in California? 

  8. How do Cerar Chavez's movement and his relationship to the agricultural economy change the post-World War II economy for California?

  9. What are some ways Cesar Chavez was able to be successful in organizing labor unions?

  10. What were some strategies that were used during the strikes? 

  11. Were the protests peaceful or were they violent? 

  12. Did Cesar Chavez accomplish the goals that he fought for, or is there still a lot more work to be done? Why or Why not. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

7.3 U.S. History: The Automobile Culture (Due 3/19)

50th Anniversary Interstate Highway

  • What happened to car sales in the 1950s?
  • How did the interstate highway system change the way Americans traveled?
  • What opportunities and problems were created by the successes of the automobile industry in the 1950s?  
  • Which country did President Eisenhower get inspired by with their use of the highway system to inspire the interstate highway model?
  • What were some other technologies that came out during this time? 

Monday, March 8, 2021

7.2 U.S. History: Trumen and Post World War II (Due 3/12)

After studying Harry S. Truman and the various events/ challenges during his terms as President, students should be able to answer the following questions. Below is a link to an event that will discuss President Truman. It is not required for this assignment, but the experience of attending could lead to a better understanding of President Truman. 


Presidential Library Series: Harry S. Truman
  • Date: Wednesday, March 10, 2021
  • Time: 5:00 pm
  • Location: Online

Join us for the next installment of our Presidential Library Series. On March 10 at 5:00 p.m. (ET), our Executive Director Patrick Madden will host Harry S. Truman Presidential Library Director Kurt Graham for a discussion on the life and legacy of the 33rd President of the United States.


1) What were some Economic Challenges that Truman had to deal with during his Presidency?

2) How did President Truman handle Civil Rights during his terms? 

3) What does the term Dixiecrats refer to? 

4) Compare and Contrast the Fair Deal to the New Deal. 

US History Study Guide Version 2

  Final Key Terms Study Guide U.S. History Chapters 14-26  The Great Depression Causes The Great Depression Effect on the economy in the U.S...